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From Wendy Morton MPWe must deliver Brexit!
Yesterday evening Parliament gave with one hand and took away with another. Last week the Prime Minister secured a new Brexit deal for Britain. Last night in Parliament i voted for the...
Discussion and interview with Citizenship Students at Aldridge School
It was great to meet students at Aldridge School and be able to participate in a question and answer session to assist with their Citizenship coursework. In the 60-minute session I was...
Voice Black Country Project Launched!
I was delighted to be asked to attend the launch event of Voice Black Country at Tipton and give my support to the initiative. Voice Black Country is an innovative project aimed at raising the...
I will do all I can to get Brexit done by 31st October!
Today in Parliament we had the chance to get Brexit done, to honour and deliver on the outcome of the EU Referendum and to leave the European Union by the 31st October. I returned from my...
Let’s Get Brexit Done and Back Boris!
Today I am back in Aldridge-Brownhills as planned, meeting constituents, visiting some of our schools, and attending events. However, later this evening I will be returning to Westminster to vote in...
Walsall Wood School Council put Wendy through her paces!
It was lovely to visit Walsall Wood School recently and be questioned by members of the School Council, on a wide range of different topics such as the environment and what steps as a Government we...
An Ambitious Government Programme focusing on the People’s Priorities!
This week saw the State Opening of Parliament and the Queens Speech setting out the Government's new legislative programme. A very important day in the Parliamentary calendar. The Government...
School Funding Boost!
On his first day in office Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to make sure that every child has equal opportunities to succeed – regardless of their background or where they live. As a Government...
Andy Street Standing Up for the West Midlands!
Since being elected in May 2017 as our first West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street has been standing up for our region helping to boost investment, productivity and obtain new funding to...
World Mental Health Day!
Today is World Mental Health Day. - a day on which we can all unite in our efforts to improve the mental health of people around the world. The theme for to mark this year’s event is suicide...