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From Wendy Morton MPThe Refurbished Crown Inn will continue to play an important part of Village life!
I was delighted to officially open the refurbished Crown Inn in Aldridge last week and toast the reopening following their £600,000 refurbishment. It is excellent news for Aldridge to have such a...
Birmingham City Council should reconsider their decision to demolish the Perry Barr Flyover!
I am extremely disappointed that Birmingham City Council have decided to plough ahead regardless with their reckless plan to demolish the Perry Barr Flyover. The decision taken by Birmingham City...
Streetly Sports and Community Association
I was pleased to be able to call in and join people at the open evening to showcase the Streetly Sports and Community Association. The Community Association is at the heart of Streetly and remains a...
We need to get Brexit done and Parliament needs to honour the will of the people!
Brexit has undoubtedly polarised debate in our country for the last 3-years, and there will be few kitchen tables across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom where robust discussion on this...
Visit to Walsall Citizens Advice Bureau
I was pleased to be able to join Caroline Hewitson Chief Officer at Walsall Citizens Advice Bureau, Board Members and other staff at the centre last week. The CAB continue to do invaluable work...
North Aldridge Neighbourhood Watch – Increasing Police Numbers is key priority for the new Government!
I would like to take this opportunity to write and thank the North Aldridge Neighbourhood Watch for participating in my Seniors’ Fair at the start of September. The fair was a huge success with more...
Let’s Get Brexit Done!
Closing the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester the Prime Minister Boris Johnson set out a clear and resolute response to respect the 2016 EU Referendum by making a bold new offer to the...
Pelsall Poppy Appeal Fashion Show Bursting with Life!
The Village Centre was bursting with people, music and fashion last weekend, and it was lovely to be invited to open the Pelsall Poppy Appeal Fashion Show in aid of the Royal British Legion. It was...
Party Conference Round Up
Over the weekend I was able to attend the start of the Party Conference in Manchester and it was a good opportunity to meet with a large cross section of representatives from the charitable and...
The Worlds Largest Coffee Morning 2019
I can’t believe how quickly The Macmillan Cancer Support World’s Biggest Coffee Morning comes around. It has now become something of an annual feature in my constituency diary. So I was...