I would like to take this opportunity to write and thank the North Aldridge Neighbourhood Watch for participating in my Seniors’ Fair at the start of September. The fair was a huge success with more than 40 organisations showcasing their services and more than 500 people attending. Thank you your part in for making it a huge success.

Life over the summer has certainly been busy, not least of all with the appointment of a new Prime Minister and a plethora of new announcements. One of Boris Johnson’s first visits following becoming Prime Minister was to the West Midlands to set out the Government’s commitment to recruit 20,000 more Police Officers to make our streets safer.

Residents from across Aldridge North have often said to me that they want to see more Police Officers in our neighbourhoods, protecting the public and helping us tackle the blight of crime in our communities. It is an issue I have raised with Ministers too.

So I particularly welcome the commitment of the Prime Minister to a recruitment campaign which started in September. Recruitment, training and delivery will be key and so it is good to see that a new national policing board is also being established, under the chairmanship of the Home Secretary, to hold the police to account for meeting this target and driving the national response.

Locally I will of course continue to ask that we receive our fair share of additional resources.