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From Wendy Morton MPThank you to St Michaels and All Angels Pelsall
It was lovely to be at St Michaels and All Angels Church at the end of last week for the Pelsall Ladies Choir Concert. As always it was a lovely event and it was certainly good to be able to hear...
Booster Vaccine Campaign
Following the emergence of the Omicron variant, including confirmed cases in the UK, the Government have ramped up the booster vaccination programme for all adults. I was pleased on Saturday to...
Out and about in the run up to Christmas
It was good to be out and about across my constituency in the run up to Christmas, to meet with so many residents and see some of the fantastic work which is being undertaken in our local...
Harper’s Law
I was extremely pleased that the Government has proposed to introduce mandatory life sentences for criminals convicted of killing emergency workers. It’s fitting that this proposed change in the...
Vaccination Update
Following the emergence of the Omicron variant, including confirmed cases in the UK, the Government asked the Joint Committee for Vaccinations and Immunisation to review vaccine response measures....
My Article in the Nov-Dec Neighbourhood Watch Magazine
Dear Residents Knowing of the interest that local residents have shown in the future of Aldridge Police Station I wanted to update you on my most recent engagement with Simon Foster, our new Police...
A Covid-19 Update
The Prime Minister’s news conference on Saturday evening explaining to the nation more about the Omicron variant is a stark reminder that we are not yet out of this pandemic, and we must take steps...
The decision of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner to close Aldridge Police Station next year is outrageous.
The decision of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner to close Aldridge Police Station next year is outrageous. Under the previous proposal the residents of Aldridge were offered a...
Pelsall Christmas Craft Fair
It was lovely to meet friends, old and new alike, at Pelsall Community Centre at the recent Christmas Craft Fair. It was one of the first fairs I have been able to attend since the lifting of...
A Business Breakfast at Dunton Environmental
I was delighted to meet a number of local businesses at my first in person Business Breakfast since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. We met at Dunton Environmental in Aldridge last week to...