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From Wendy Morton MP
Blue Cross – Responsible Dog Ownership

Blue Cross – Responsible Dog Ownership

I had the pleasure of meeting with Blue Cross, the animal welfare charity, at an event in Westminster to advocate for responsible dog ownership. Having a dog can greatly enhance life by offering...

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Back to Westminster

Back to Westminster

It's back to Westminster today after local elections and the Bank Holiday, and a busy week ahead of meetings, and Parliamentary work. 

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Ellum Pointe

Ellum Pointe

Thank you to the residents at Ellum Pointe who asked me to pop in on Saturday afternoon to their fundraising event for Dementia UK .  Cllr Kerry Murphy and I really enjoyed the musical entertainment...

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Brownhills Civic Square

Brownhills Civic Square

Out and about in Brownhills yesterday and it was lovely to stop by the Brownhills Spring Festival on the Civic Square and catch up with Cllr Kerry Murphy and lots of local residents.  Jan Davies and...

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Aldridge Youth Theatre

Aldridge Youth Theatre

Saturday night was Red Carpet Night at the Aldridge Youth Theatre with another fabulous Red Carpet Charity Musical Extravaganza organised by Aldridge Rotary.  The evening began with the brilliant...

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Quiz Night at Pelsall Community and Arts Centre

Quiz Night at Pelsall Community and Arts Centre

I had a fun time yesterday helping at the monthly Quiz Night at Pelsall Community and Arts Centre.  It was another fabulous evening for testing knowledge, enjoying a delicious Jacket Potato supper...

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Litter Pick along Chester Road – Streetly

Litter Pick along Chester Road – Streetly

Time to team up with Councillor Keir Pedley for a quick litter pick along the Chester Road.  After days of grey skies and showers it was lovely that the sun was shining too - an added bonus!  Every...

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