Over 1.6 million vaccines have now been administered across the Midlands which is a further 437,336 in the last 7-days. In our own local NHS area in The Black Country and West Birmingham we have administered 186,442 vaccines.

The vaccine rollout continues to show Britain at its best and I continue to be heartened by the number of telephone calls and e-mails I have received commending the work of everyone at our local vaccination centre at Oak Park in Walsall Wood.

I would once again like to reiterate my thanks to everyone who is helping to roll out the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

As I have said previously whilst we all appreciate how quickly people want to receive their vaccinations please do remember, it is really important that as residents you wait until you are contacted by your GP practice, or by the NHS.

It is also vital that we all continue to play our part and follow the rules – stay home, save lives, protect the NHS.