With the New Year arriving we reflect on events from the year past, whilst looking with expectation to what may lie ahead.

As your Member of Parliament there have been a considerable number of highlights for me personally throughout 2019 and I would like to thank everyone for once again making this a memorable year.

As we start the New Year I remain committed as your Member of Parliament to campaign on the issues which matter to us here in Aldridge-Brownhills seeking to champion our local areas ensuring we protect our precious Green Belt and Open Spaces, whilst seeking to develop new homes for the next generation.

I will continue to speak up about the need for regeneration of our High Streets and Village Centres and champion the need to ensure that there is progress at Ravenscourt in Brownhills.

Since being elected as your Member of Parliament I have campaigned for the return of passenger trains and a station at Aldridge and I will continue to work with our West Midlands Mayor Andy Street to progress this opportunity.

As someone who set up a small business I have always been proud as your Member of Parliament to champion our small businesses as well as ensuring they receive the support they need from the Government this remains a priority for me this year and I remain steadfast that we need to find solutions to deal with the issue of Unauthorised Encampments which has affected so many of our communities.

Constituents rightly expect their Members of Parliament to get on with the job and find solutions to the challenges and problems they encounter and that is what I will be doing once again in 2019.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year and all the very best for 2019.