Across Aldridge-Brownhills our lives changed due to Lockdown, Social Distancing and the Coronavirus pandemic. Most of us have had to change the way we work, shop, and go about what was normal day-to-day life. It has not always been easy, as we have tried to adapt, often without seeing our loved ones, families, and friends, and at times it is still challenging.

However, I am also very conscious of the many wonderful examples of neighbourliness, friendship, good humour, and support for one another that I have seen and been told about illustrating the strong and very resilient sense of community spirit that we enjoy.

I have pondered on how we can best share and recognise this and with that in mind I invite you to email me a photograph you have taken during Lockdown to highlight and celebrate an act of kindness or friendship you have experienced during this time. It may be someone who has helped you with shopping, support for volunteers and key workers, or something that reminds you of Lockdown – Lockdown baking, your Lockdown gardening, or using Facetime to keep in touch with family – or it may be a local photograph you took whilst going out for your daily walk.

A selection of the photographs will then be shared on my social media, and I will seek to showcase them locally across the constituency.

To submit your photograph please email Include your name and address and a short description of your photograph and why you would like it featured in the exhibition. Closing date for submissions is Monday 3rd August 2020.