by Wendy Morton MP | Wednesday 29th July 2020 | News
A number of concerned residents have contacted me with regards to the proposal to site a new Aldi supermarket on Walsall Road in Pelsall. At this stage Aldi have not lodged a planning application with Walsall Council, but are consulting residents virtually as part of...
by Wendy Morton MP | Monday 27th July 2020 | News
I was delighted that last week Walsall Council’s planning committee gave the go ahead to the new Emergency Department at the Manor Hospital. I was pleased to pay my part in helping secure the £36 million Government funding, but the successful funding bid was result of...
by Wendy Morton MP | Thursday 7th May 2020 | News
Week in and week out since the lock down started we have rightly saluted the bravery of our NHS staff and Carers. However all key workers have stepped up throughout Covid-19 and have played a major part in assisting us all – not least of all amongst them our...
by Wendy Morton MP | Wednesday 6th May 2020 | News
On Friday 8th May we will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day and the liberation of Europe following more than 5-years of War. Whilst it will not be the commemoration we had all anticipated since Coronavirus has meant a scaling back of many of our national and...
by Wendy Morton MP | Monday 4th May 2020 | News
Writing for this edition of the Sutton Observer we have been in lock down for 5-weeks, helping fight the battle against Coronavirus, a disease that has posed the biggest threat to our country in decades. This is without doubt an extremely testing time for our country...