I really enjoyed calling in to Brownhills Library last week and joining “Doing the Animal Bop” as part of the Summer Reading Challenge. The Reading Challenge is well underway across Aldridge-Brownhills and championed by our local Libraries. It was great to call in and see Julie, Gill and the rest of the Brownhills Team along with children and families for the read along and crafting session.
The Summer Reading Challenge activities continue throughout August – call in and see the local library teams for more information.
From Libraries it was then on to Bingo. I joined Councillor Kerry Murphy from the Brownhillsfirst Councillor Team and we popped in to see Ruth and Gill at the Brownhills Senior Citizen’s Club. The long running group has a wonderful welcoming atmosphere and a huge list of activities from weekly Bingo, knit and natter and even a regular fish and chip supper. It was great to hear about all of the activities and I look forward to calling in again soon.