This month is National Road Victim Month which is an annual campaign to highlight the appalling number of people who are needlessly killed and injured on roads right across the UK.

I have been pleased to support the work of RoadPeace who organise the national campaign and have met with constituents from Aldridge-Brownhills who have sadly lost members of their family.

Every day across the country five people are killed and a further 80 are seriously injured in road collisions.

In recent months we have seen that Walsall Council have committed additional funding to road improvement projects across Aldridge-Brownhills and I am pleased that work is now ongoing on Aldridge Road in Streetly where speeding has been a particular problem.

Road collisions all too often shatter lives and families, so it is once again good for us all to reflect this August and be more aware of the ongoing work of RoadPeace.