I have longed campaigned on the issue of knife crime. Too many lives have been lost. Too many families and too many communities left devastated.  

From 24th September 2024 it will be illegal to own zombie-style knives and machetes. 

I was pleased that one of the last actions of the previous Government was The Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Weapons) (Amendment, Surrender and Compensation) Order 2024 which has included ‘zombie-style’ knives and ‘zombie-style’ machetes in the list of banned offensive weapons. 

Ahead of the ban, and as part of the nationwide surrender scheme, people can hand in the weapons to police stations without repercussions and could receive compensation. Weapons can be surrendered at certain police stations from 26th Aug until 23rd Sept 2024. You can read more here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/…/2024.06.18… 

There are also details on the Walsall Borough Council website and knife bins at various locations across the Walsall Borough, including Aldridge High Street, thanks to The James Brindley Foundation. https://go.walsall.gov.uk/…/council-leader-urges-people… 

#KnifeAngel #WalsallSafety #CommunityAction