Brownhills/Oak Park CA Bowls Club

Brownhills/Oak Park CA Bowls Club

Thank you to Brownhills/Oak Park CA Bowls Club for inviting me to visit and for letting me have a go at Crown Green Bowling – a first for me!   I have to say I really enjoyed it – though clearly more practice needed!  Situated next to Walsall Wood Football...
Back British Farming Day

Back British Farming Day

I am always happy to bang the drum for our local farmers and British farming,  and to showcase significant contribution it makes to the economy, job creation, environmental sustainability, and community welfare.  I am always pleased to support the NFU and our farming...
Emergency Services Day

Emergency Services Day

Today marks Emergency Services Day, commonly referred to as #999Day.  Across Aldridge-Brownhills we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the 2 million individuals working and volunteering within the NHS and emergency services. From the 250,000 first responders who...